Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 228

Tonight we had our 2nd dance lesson.

Before our dance lesson we met up with Tom and Libby at Oklahoma Joe's which was delicious, but maybe not the best choice before dancing and standing in close quarters with other people.  I felt like I reeked of BBQ the whole night.

Anyway, we reviewed our push-pull dance moves from the last lesson and then learned a waltz.  Rick was excited because now we can do this instead of the 'awkward sway' at weddings haha.  He taught us some other moves to jazz up the basic box step, one of which involved me parading around in a circle (which I was not a fan of).  Then at the very end we learned a dip.  So we can wow everyone with an awesome ending to our mad, crazy, dance skills.  The dip is not new to us, but this was a more advanced version.  Normally when Rick dips me he just leans me straight back and it is not very pretty and kind of painful, but our teacher taught him how to swivel, so I basically just lay across his legs... much prettier.

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