Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 219

Well both of our teams are out of the tournament.  Sad day.  Rick was a lot more pissed about it than I was... probably because Illinois went down against KU.  Stupid KU.

On a positive note, the weather was beautiful today and we both got out and ran.  I stuck with my usual 2.5 miles, but Rick is trying to gear up for the brew-to-brew.  Which is in 2 weeks.  Where he'll have to run approximately 8 miles.  I'm a little worried for him.  I'm sure he can do it, but he is going to be so sore the next day.  Good thing there will be lots of beer afterwards.  He ran 5.9 miles today I think, which is kind of awesome.  Way farther than I've ever run.

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