Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 217

Well, last night was fun!  We ended up going to 23rd st. to watch the kstate game... which they won!  And playing trivia which, turns out, is really, really hard.  We did not do well and we even used our cell phones/cheated on  a few.

Anyway, it was rough getting up this morning.  Only to spend a pointless afternoon at work.  Luckily, the day got better when we grabbed dinner at the Beer Kitchen in Westport and it was amazing.  Better burgers than the Casbah OR Dempsey's.  Then Illinois won their first game in the tournament.  Yay!

On the way home we stopped by Thomas Restaurant, which we haven't been to since our wedding reception.  It was really fun to go back and relive it all a little.  We talked to the piano player, Vince, and he remembered everything about us.  It was weird.  Especially, considering the man refused to return my voicemails or emails while we were planning our wedding... who would have thought he'd be so good with details.  Then we talked to the manager/owner Kevin and the bartender for a while.  Everyone there is just SO nice, I'm so glad we found that place and decided to have our wedding there.

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