Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 226

Today we woke up to fat, wet snow flakes.  It's been too warm lately for anything to stick, but it was weird to have snow this late in March.

Being the avid (obsessed) beer brewer that he is, Rick refused to let a little snow stop him from brewing his next batch.  Last weekend we bottled to batches in one day and it was the first time in months that there wasn't beer in buckets in our 2nd bedroom.  I think the empty buckets were too much for Rick to bear, so he filled one right back up.  This is his 5th brew and by the time it is done we will have about 250 bottles of beer.

Currently most of the beer (that we haven't drank) is strategically piled in our second bedroom.  The first two batches have no distinguishing marks at all, Rick just put them into separate piles and he knew which was which. However, last week when my brother came to visit I had to stash all the beer and I messed up his piles.  So, we had to go through and guess what was in the unmarked bottles and this time we marked them.  Someone may get an interesting surprise haha.

Rick has one more brew kit ready to go, but I think after that one I'm cutting him off for awhile.  I refuse to move 300 bottles and 3 buckets of beer and at the rate he's going it's going to be even more than that.

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