Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 218

I was doing some laundry today, mostly washing our two big blankets and some towels.  I put them all in the dryer and when the buzzer went off this is what I found...

It's Santa's bag!

Just kidding.  It's my blanket that somehow swallowed another big blanket, 4 towels and 5 wash cloths.  They were all knotted up inside the red blanket and it took forever to untangle them.  I literally could have swung the red blanket over my shoulder and gone all around the world in one night... that's how securely wrapped up they all were.  Of courses, none of them were dry either.  So annoying.  I had to dry the red blanket by itself, so it wouldn't swallow anything and do the other stuff in it's own load.

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