Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 212

The Summer of the Wii.

When Rick still lived in Champaign he bought a Wii on Craigslist and got the Mario Kart game.  We spent hours that summer playing Mario Kart.  Of course, Rick was awesome at it right from the beginning, but toward the end of the summer I could beat him on a couple levels.  You could race against each other and the computer or you could go online and race against people all over.  On the Wii you could create a 'Mi' that was like your little character.  And when you raced online that was who drove your car.

At first we both had Mi's that looked like us, but one night we got the bright idea to make our Mi's look like celebrities.  This was right around the time Billy Mays was doing the Pitchmen show and then died from cocaine use.  Which, strangely Rick predicted before it actually came out that was what caused his death.  Anyway, Rick made his Mi look like Billy Mays and I made mine look like Oprah.

The Wii also had fun sports games like bowling, golf and tennis.  We had a lot of late night bowling tournaments after everyone had been drinking.  Rick's roommate at the time was particularly accident prone, so we always had to make sure he had the wrist strap on so he didn't end up chucking the 'wii-mote' through the tv.

I was just thinking the other day that we haven't played with the Wii forever.  Maybe we'll get it out and do some laps next week for spring break.

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