Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 201

K-state beat Texas last night!  I don't know where this team came from, but I'm so pumped!

The other day at work I overheard a couple people talking about how great Bill Self was and how he's won as many Big 12 championships as he's lost home games or something like that.  Anyway, the point is they were talking about it like he'd already won the championship this year.  Then they were going on and on about how kstate was going to have to cheer for KU to win the championship, so that Kstate would get a bye in the tournament or something.

Screw that, I'm cheering for Kstate to win the championship.  I hate KU fans they're so annoying.  I really, really hope Kstate can beat KU again and shut them all up.

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