Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 222

Wednesday Ramblings

- I had this whole list of things I wanted to get done while I was on spring break, one of which was cleaning our bathtub.  Our tub can get pretty gross because it has this no-slip stuff on the bottom that just clings to the dirt and then Rick uses bar soap, so there's lots of soap scum.  Anyway, I used oven cleaner because it's magical, but I forgot to wear gloves... the next day the skin was literally peeling off of my hands in chunks.  Oops.

- I've also been working on designing some beer names and labels for Rick's newest brews.  So far I've come up with: Legally Blonde Ale (a blonde ale), Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana Honey Wheat (orange honey wheat), and Bloody Finger Black IPA.  The last one is because Rick almost chopped his finger off with the scissors making it.  And then he refused to sit down until it stopped bleeding bc he was so excited about it.

- The end of law school is turning out to be a lot like the end of college... I've had like 5 friends from school get engaged lately.  I guess one isn't from law school, but still.

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