Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 203

Today we drove out to St. Louis to hang out with Rick's family for the weekend.  It's hard to believe we haven't seen them since Thanksgiving!

We had quite the eventful drive... It was storming in Lawrence when we left and it seemed to follow us the whole way across Missouri.  I felt like I was in that depression commercial where the thunder cloud is always over your head.  At one point we stopped to get gas and the tornado sirens were going off.  Most of the people were acting like it was no big deal, but one family was freaking. out.  It was humorous.  Rick was a great driver, even when we could barely see the road in the monsoon on 370.  We finally made it to town and had a much needed drink at the Stagger Inn before playing some shuffle board.  Rick and I dominated.

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