Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 202

I finally convinced Rick to go to Orange Leaf with me!!

I had a really annoying and long day and he got a bunch of annoying emails from his advisor right at 5, so we were both in need of a little pick me up.  I have to say I like the frozen yogurt place downtown better I think.  They didn't have as many options at Orange Leaf and it was packed.   I got coffee and vanilla, Rick got cheesecake and Strawberry.  Rick loaded up on frozen yogurt and barely had any room for toppings.  I on the other hand love toppings and made sure to leave plenty of room for heath bar crumbles, brownies, oreos, one cherry, one gummy worm and hot fudge... I'm sure I completely counteracted any health benefits of the frozen yogurt with my toppings haha.

We ended up heading home to eat our ice cream with some Law and Order.  Excellent combination.

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