Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 216

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We don't have any big Irish plans for today.  There's a big parade downtown which is making parking for work interesting (a big pain).  I think we're going to head down to 23rd street (our favorite spot) to watch the basketball game and do a little celebrating.

Tonight K-state plays their first game in the tournament and according to everything I've read/heard it's going to be a tough game.  I really hope they can win.  As Rick says, "it depends which team shows up."  So, hopefully it's the good team.

Oh, and I'm hosting book club.  I tried to come up with something clever to make, and all I could come up with is guacamole.. .which is really more appropriate for Cinco de Mayo than St. Patrick's day, but at least its green. And good.  I also didn't read the book.  I'm a terrible book club member.  I did read the summary on wikipedia, though, so that should count for something.

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