Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 205

So, the other day I read this blog post about 'super powers of the mundane'.  It was really funny, about super powers that the writer had that really weren't that super.  So, I decided to come up with some super powers for Rick and me.

Rick - Winning Every Game... Ever
This is Rick's he's annoyingly good at games and ALWAYS wins, even if it's some new game he's never played before.  Card games and bar games are his specialties.  The only game I can consistently beat him at is Scrabble.

Jessie - Knowing Where Everything in the House Is
Keys, wallet, nail clippers, everything.  I know exactly where things are in our house... and where Rick leaves all his stuff.  He doesn't even bother looking for things sometimes, he just asks me where they are.  It's really kind of a useless talent, I wish I could remember more important things... like everything I need to know for the bar exam.

Also, I have to include this one about my sister, bc I really think it is a super power.

Libby - Uncanny Ability to Call at the Most Inopportune Time
So, Libby is sort of notorious for not answering her phone, so when she calls back you just absolutely have to answer or it turns into a bad game of phone tag.   The problem is she has this amazing ability to call during the 10 seconds that you're doing something else.  You can be sitting, staring at your phone for 3 hours and she will call exactly as you're in the bathroom, or blowdrying your hair, or run out to check the mail.  It really is amazing how she does it.

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