Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 223

Rick and I have been struggling to figure out what we're doing after graduation.  We seem to just be getting more  and more options instead of narrowing them down.  I suppose that's a good problem to have, but I think we're both pretty stressed about getting it figured out.

I've been thinking about it a lot this week, though, and I think we should really just be embracing this time in our lives and enjoying it.  We don't have any debt, we're well educated, and we're healthy.  We have absolutely nothing tying us down or holding us back.  When else will we have the option to go pretty much anywhere we want in the country, or the world, and just have an adventure?

It's easier said than done, because I'm definitely a planner and I like to have things lined up way in advance, but I'm going to do my best to just relax and see what happens.  I know that wherever we go we'll be together and that's enough.

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