Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 109

Wow, is it really the end of November already?

Things are wrapping up at school.  This is my last week of classes and then I have two weeks of finals, except luckily for me, I only have one final and a paper to write.  I also just realized that this will be my last round of finals in law school because the classes I'm taking next semester are more hands-on and don't have finals.  Yay!

Rick is still working away.  He has another week of classes before his one final.  He'll actually be done before me, which is weird.  They're still debating on their Utah trip and trying to get logistics worked out.  I'm sure he will find out like a week before whether they're actually going or not... that's how things seem to work over at the engineering school.  It would really drive me nuts.

Our evenings this week are jam-packed... well I guess I should say mine b/c Rick is only going to a couple things.  Tonight is book club, tomorrow the homes tour with Libby, Thursday a law school end of year get together and Friday the legal aid Christmas party... whew.  My social schedule hasn't been this packed in years, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

day 108

Tonight Rick and I made this awesome mushroom, spinach and four cheese lasagna. It was absolutely delicious and Rick cooked some asparagus to go with it. Lasagna is so much work, though! Rick had 2 pots and 2 pans going on the stove and I was slicing and dicing like a mad woman. It was all worth it though because it tasted so good! Even Rick loved it and he hates mushrooms. But, unfortunately it may be awhile before we make this recipe again. Maybe we can find a simpler recipe, because lasagna is so freaking good. Either way this pan should last us a good week.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 107

Whew we finally made it home after a super fun weekend in st. louis.  Rick's parents started calling it the trilogy because it was literally a jam-packed weekend.
So, here are the highlights:

When we got into town, Wednesday evening, we met Rick's parents at the Stagger Inn (the local watering hole) for a few beers and some shuffleboard while we were waiting for Carly and Chris to arrive.  As the night progressed we somehow befriended a man named B.J.  Big Rick speculated with me on what B.J. stood for... his guess: Big Jerk... I didn't have the heart to tell him what most people would think it stood for.  B.J. proceeded to whip us all with his awesome shuffleboard skills.  It was only after he'd beaten all of us that he pointed out his name on the Shuffleboard Tournament Champions plaque hanging prominently above the table.  I think we got hustled.  Then B.J. got kind of creepy.  When he went outside for smoke breaks he pounded on the window and gave us a thumbs up whenever someone did something good in the game. He also made some comments about strippers and never being married that led us to believe B.J.'s only social interactions are at the Stagger Inn... every... night.  We finally bailed to get dinner, but it took some serious convincing to get Big Rick to leave.  He was ready to spend the rest of the weekend playing shuffleboard with B.J.

Well, I already shared the highlights of our 4 mile run and our dinner conversation, so I'm just going to move on.

We started out the morning by making a whole bunch of bowling pin and bowling ball cookies.  There was some confusion about butter measurements and doubling the recipe, but we got it all straightened out.  This is our third 'fancy' cooking making adventure.  Last year we made Turkeys and Snowflakes which ended up being a lot more difficult and time consuming than planned.  We were on a tight schedule this year with Big Rick giving us the countdown until leaving time starting at 6 hours out, so it's a good thing these were easy.
After we finished the cookies we headed down to the bowling alley for the big show-down.  My team... team Bowlshit... won our first 2 games, but lost the third.  We beat Rick's team once, but then lost in the re-match two games later.  Big Rick, Meg, Meghan and Erin took the trophy beating out all of last years champions.  We finished out the night with (more) pizza and beer.

We started out the morning looking at all of Pat and Rick's wedding pictures.  It was really fun to see those, for obvious reasons, that's not something we do in my family.  I also got to see some really cute pictures of Rick when he was little.  He was seriously the cutest kid ever... I'm not biased at all.
Then we ventured down to the Arch, but decided it was too crowded to try and go up.... maybe next time.  After that we hit up the Rock-n-Roll Craftshow.  Rick and I did one lap around the vendors and then sat down to watch the glassblowers work their magic.  There were not nearly enough safety precautions in place there.  I think someone almost got burned at least 3 times, and one guy was definitely stoned.  We did some people watching and realized that we were not nearly cool/hip/funky enough to be hanging out at this place.  Funny side note: they were giving away free monster energy drinks, which Big Rick thought you had to shake and mix up before drinking.  He proceeded to spray energy drink everywhere.
After the craft show, we got a beer at the loop, ate dinner at the Schlafly's Brewing Company and headed to the hockey game.
On the way home from the game, Rick and Chris somehow convinced everyone we needed to stop at White Castle.  I'm not a huge White Castle fan, but we'd had quite a few $9 beers at the hockey game and was easily convinced.  When we pulled up to the drive-through, Carly shouted, "Order a crave case!" which Big Rick proceeded to do, not knowing that a Crave Case is an entire briefcase filled with 30 little burgers.  Chris had to get his own combo meal and we topped it all off with several orders of onion rings.  While waiting for our order to be ready (strangely they didn't have 30 burgers on hand at midnight) Chris, Rick, Carly and I made up a rap about being in the truck to entertain ourselves.  It went to the tune of I'm on a Boat.  Our order arrived and the smell of onions settled over everything as we all chowed down.  We finished the entire thing, before we got home.  Ridiculous.  Rick somehow managed to eat 10 greasy, soggy, oniony burgers!  I only had three, and I felt terrible later, my stomach hurt so bad I couldn't sleep.  Rick managed to sleep through the night, but felt really bad about eating all those this morning, so we had salad for lunch and dinner.  I figure it all evens out.

Rick hustled us out to the car bright and early this morning.  This is becoming a disturbing trend for him.  Today we ate a lot of salad, watched Harry Potter and tried to recover from our trilogy of a weekend.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 106

Last night Rick and I went to a Blues game in STL.  It was pretty exciting for me b/c I've never been to a hockey game, and Rick loves the Blues so he was equally excited.  It was a good game, but unfortunately the Blues lost at the very end.

We had really good seats behind one of the goals about 10 rows up.  At one point two players slammed into the glass right in front of us and the lady sitting in the front row right there, screamed super loud.  It was hilarious.  We also won free buffet coupons at the casino in the Roulette game on the jumbo-tron.  Unfortunately, we didn't get to use them because this was our last night in STL for awhile.

Friday, November 26, 2010

day 105

Bowling pin cookies for the annual bowling tournament. And we're off to bowl.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

day 104

Happy thanksgiving!

Our thanksgiving started out by sleeping in, which was very nice. Rick has slept later than me the past two days which is totally weird and unlike him. He's always up at 7 on the dot. I think his schedule is all messed up from his early morning flight test on Tuesday.

Then we went on the 2nd annual turkey trot...Rick went willingly and I had to be coerced. Last year pat and carly did a 4 mile run by accident and pat wanted to do it again this year. Apparently last year she guilted carly into running the last mile by telling her "if you were paralyzed you'd be thankful to have legs and feel the pain" haha. She gave carly and I that speech near the end this year, but we didn't really need it. I was shocked at how good I felt! Rick and Chris took off and got way ahead of us and apparently Rick was a bit of a whiner and almost gave up, but he finished it all too!

Then we went home for a delicious dinner. The highlight of which was Rick's grandma telling everyone she had dirt on her turkey...no idea how that happened. Oh, and she said she was thankful for her husband....even though he was slow. Too funny.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

day 103

Today Rick and I are headed to st. Louis for thanksgiving with his family. We've managed to keep ourselves fairly entertained for most of the drive.

We started out playing 21 questions. The mystery objects included: a mouse, a ruby necklace, Flipped (as in the dolphin), and Rick's favorite college bar White Horse. Which he failed to guess, but he did guess all of his friend's houses and his aren'ts house...twice.

At lunch we stopped at subway where they played I'll Make Love to You by Boyz II Men. We realized that the lyrics to that song are quite graphic and our parents probably should not have let us listen o that song. Maybe they thought it was ok because they called it not 'making love' and not something like 'banging on the bathroom floor'. (Shaggy Anyone? I actually owned that whole cd.)

After lunch we conducted a very scientific study on the percentage of men and women driving. Turns out in cars with more than two people in them 58% have men driving and 42% have women. We may have to conduct some additional research on the way home to solidify our results.

Oh and we saw a man doing some serious nose picking.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 102

- Prince William is getting married!  April 29.  I've already put it in my calendar.  While I'm slightly disappointed, that I'll never be Queen of England, I am pretty pumped to watch this wedding.

- I hate the word "nom".  I'm not even really sure what it means, but it's dumb.

- I'm seeing HP and the Deathly Hallows tonight!  At the fork and screen theater which I've never done, and I'm pretty pumped.

- Rick had to drive all the way to Ft. Riley today for a flight test, only to have it be too windy, so they turned around and came back.  Bummer.  He did get to eat lunch at Cracker Barrell, though, so I suppose it all evens out.

- My Thanksgiving break starts in approx. 3 hours.  Unfortunately, I have to give a closing argument Monday, so my break will be tainted with school work.

- I saw a typo on a commercial for The View this morning.  You'd think in this economy people would spell check.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 101

So over the weekend one of my really good friend from high school had a baby.  There were several girls in my high school class who had kids in high school, or shortly after, but this is my first close friend to have a kid, so it's kind of weird.

Anyway, last night I saw a picture of my friend's baby right before I went to bed and it must have stuck in my head because I had the craziest dream...

In my dream I was having a baby.  Not like 'oh crap I'm pregnant' having a baby, like I'm in labor this kid is coming today having a baby.  So, I'm at the hospital and the doctor tells us that it's going to be awhile before anything exciting starts happening.  Rick decides he has time to go to class and leaves me!  Then my sister tells me she has to leave because she has jury duty that day.  So, I tell her she has to get out of it ASAP, and I help her make up an excuse to tell the judge.  I think I told her to answer that she couldn't be 'fair and impartial' to every question they asked her haha (This is funny, because we've been doing jury selection in one of my classes at school).  So guess who that leaves me with at the hospital? My mom... thanks a lot guys.  That's about all I remember of the dream, except I was really annoyed with my mom and just wanted Rick to get back so she would leave.

Thank goodness we aren't having kids anytime soon, we obviously need to get our game plan figured out before then.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

day 100

Today I convinced scrooge ... I mean Rick to put up our Christmas lights bc it was so nice outside. It was seriously like 70 today and next weekend it is supposed to be a high of 40 so I thought it was a brilliant plan. Rick tries to ignore Christmas as long as he possible can, so he wasn't exactly thrilled with my plan. But, I'm sure he'll be thanking me next weekend.

Here are some pics of our awesome work. Rick is really proud. He did a great job and it only took 15 minutes. Yay Christmas lights!

We also put our new stockings this week.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

day 99

No Rick and I are not on safari in Africa, we're still right here in Lawrence, KS and so are those zebras and that camel.  Crazy right?  A little bit outside of town there's is this street that is home to about 5 mcmansions (including one styled after a plantation house that I'm in love with) and one of the houses has these animals in their yard... just hanging out about 1/2 mile north of 6th street and Wakarusa.

We started visiting these animals about 6 months ago when one of Rick's friends from the Lawrence Bike Club told him about them.  Apparently a lot of people visit these animals because there have been other cars out there checking things out almost every time we have been.  And one time a lady leaving the plantation house stopped and told us to be careful because the zebras would bite.  Someone told Rick that they are not really zebras they are a zebra-horse mix, called a Zorse haha.  Anyway, I have no idea why these people own Zorses and a camel or why they keep them out in their yard, where everyone drives by and looks at them.  I don't think I would want people constantly cruising by my house, but to each their own I guess.

Back then, we were pretty sure one of the zebras was pregnant because she was looking pretty wide... and today there were three zebras!  We couldn't figure out which was the baby, though, because they all looked the same size.  The poor camel was shedding like crazy.  He had a whole strip of fur hanging off his hump, like a tail growing out of his side.  I don't think this is a normal time of year for animals to be shedding, shouldn't he be growing his winter coat?  I looked up on google where camels are supposed to live, and it is the desert.  This guy must be so confused by the changing weather here.  Although, I guess at night it gets pretty cold in deserts, so maybe he's ok.  When we were leaving I told Rick we needed to come back at Christmas to see if they had a big nativity scene display with the camel in it haha.
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Friday, November 19, 2010

day 98

Rick gave me my Xmas present early so I could get more use out of it. I got some awesome new slippers like his, so we're twinsies now! They are very warm and cozy! (which is good considering Rick insists on keeping the heat set at 50 degrees...ridiculous).

He also tried to make up a new holiday called birth-i-versa-mas that combines my birthday our anniversary and Christmas. He wanted this to count as a present for all three, but I shut that plan down real quick. I decided I'm just counting my slippers as a late birthday present.
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 97

Rick likes to play this game with me in the car (for the record I do not like this game b/c I never win).  We tune the radio to the classic rock station and Rick makes me try to guess the name of the band playing the song.  I am terrrrrible at musician's names and I never get it right.  I even make him give me hints sometimes, but they are always bad hints like "in 1975 this artist did a triple lutz off the stage and broke three people died"  Yep, that really narrows it down, thanks.  Obviously if I don't know their name, I'm not going to know what happened at their concert 10 years before I was born.

Anyway, yesterday Rick and I were having this really random conversation that proves how bad I am at musician names.  It started out with me telling Rick that Bruce Springsteen was 61, which he already knew because he's obsessed with 'the boss'.  Later, I discovered that Rick Springfield was also 61, except for some reason I thought his name was Rick Springsteen.  So, I was telling Rick how weird it was that Bruce Springsteen and Rick Springsteen were both 61 and had the last name and were rockstars.  His response: "hmm, they must be the same person... wait, I don't even know who Rick Springsteen is"  Yes! Finally something about classic rock that I know and Rick doesn't!  So, I replied with all the confidence in the world "Jessie's Girl? duh."  And then he set me straight, explaining that the man who sings Jessie's Girl is Rick Springfield, not Rick Springsteen.

I think they could be brother's?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

day 96

So Rick got this new video game yesterday.  He's been talking about how excited he is to get it for at least a week.  However, he pretty much refuses to play it when I'm in the room (or not otherwise occupied).  I know you're wondering what sort of magic I pulled to make this happen.  Well, it's simple really I just make fun of his video games and how ridiculous they are.

For instance...
About a month ago he was playing this game where some old guy and his son run around in a field, panting.  The boy repeatedly said things like, "C'mon paw let's get them injuns".  (I may have made that up, but I swear it was something similar).  So, I just kept talking like that boy and repeating all his catch phrases and Rick refused to play the game in front of me again.  It's a miracle, paw!

Apparently this new game he got is the sequel to some other game that I made fun of because all the characters had really bad Italian accents.  I don't remember this, but Rick swears it's true.  I've managed to catch a few glimpses of this new game and I can't say I really blame myself for making fun of the prequel.  It seems to involve walking around an Italian villa a few hundred years ago, accepting contracts to kill people, while they accept similar contracts to kill you.  The best part is when someone actually gets killed and everything goes into slow-motion while massive amounts of blood spurt out of the dead body.  And he wonders why I make fun of it?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 95

Well, I don't have any great stories to share today, just a lot of short, random tid bits, so here goes...

- Today when I was home for lunch Rick told me it was his dad's birthday.  We called his dad and sang happy birthday to his voicemail.  A few minutes later he calls back and tells Rick that his birthday is actually Thursday.  oops.

- Also at lunch today, a man with all gold teeth rang the doorbell trying to sell us magazines or something.  I'm still not really clear on his purpose because he stood about 10 feet away and mumbled terribly (maybe the gold teeth are a recent addition and his mouth is still numb).  I do however know his height, weight, eye color and hair color because they were listed on the letter he gave me to read that described his company's mission.

- I got some Christmas shopping done today, and found a radio station that plays all Christmas carols.  It felt weird doing those things when it was 60 degrees out, but I will gladly take this odd weather over freezing cold.

Monday, November 15, 2010

day 94

See those socks? Those are my socks. See that foot? You better be thinking that foot is way too big to be my foot...because it is Rick's foot.

Apparently my lovely husband ran out of socks this morning, so he just borrowed a pair of mine. Way to be resourceful, Rick. I'm actually just shocked that my socks fit him.
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 93

It was about mid October last year when I was walking around aimlessly through Wal Mart in search for a Halloween costume. I found a costume... and was a cat - in case you were intrigued.  I was in the girls section wondering how in the world Miley Cyrus got her own clothing line at Wal Mart  when I got an incoming call on my cell phone from Rick. Now, Rick and I were friends at this point but, we weren’t calling each other to shoot the shit on a Tuesday night, so I knew something was up.

I had a couple ideas before I picked up the phone and knew overall it was probably helping to get Jessie some kind of present. Earlier in Jessie and Rick’s relationship Rick asked for my help on a Christmas present and I had provided Rick with a suggested present list for him to use with about 7-8 ideas. He later informed Jessie he couldn’t tell her what the rest of the stuff on the list was in case he needed to use it later in their relationship. So, I was a little surprised at his call, and instantly thought, “Shit, has that list already ran out?! Good boyfriend – I need to get me one of those.”

So, back to the phone conversation  - I think this may be easiest to read in dialect form.

Libby: (in concerned voice) “Uh, hey what up fool?”

Rick: “ Hey, what are you up to? I had a favor to ask you.”

Libby: “ Ok, yeah, what’s that?”

Rick: “ Well, I might be getting funding for my grad school and I would like to take your sister on a nice date. I was hoping you could help me pick her out a dress.”

Libby: “What?! Why can’t she pick out her own dress? Can you send me the link on a website.”
Rick: “ I just thought it would be nice, you know. I can’t send it to you they don’t have a website."
Libby: "What kind of store doesn't have a website? Can you just tell me about it, I am not sure I will be able to come to Lawrence anytime soon. What's the name of the store?" 
Rick: " Ok, ummmm well you see I think it may be called Sophia's. I can't remember the name. No hurry just whenever you can get over here." 
Libby: " Um ok, Rick I know you are lieing. Just tell me that you are asking my sister to marry you. I know you are lieing!!! There is no store in Lawrence named Sophia's. Come on Rick... just tell me."
Rick: "I swear to god I am not lieing... just a dress. Come next Thursday? Call me when you're on your way" 
end of conversation. 

I know what your thinking, I should write screen plays? No? Ok, you are thinking he is a liar! That is exactly what I was thinking too! I knew from the second I saw his name on the caller ID that he was going to ask Jessie to marry him, and the moment he asked about the dress, I knew he meant a ring. I had so many mixed feelings. I was excited for my sister, terrified I wouldn't be able to keep the secret, sad my sister was growing up, and honored Rick wanted my help. 

So, the week went by... slowly and I was driving to Lawrence and got a call from Rick. He told me, " Change of plans. The shop is located on 8th and Mass and is on the left side of the street. It's actually a jewelry store, and I am going to ask you sister to marry me and I need your help picking out the ring." I was ecstatic. I finally had confirmation, I called Rick a liar and made sure he knew that I had him figured out from the first second and hung up.  I was happy that he confided in me and valued my opinion enough to ask for my help. That little shit also informed me he "HAD" to lie to me because he knew I couldn't keep a secret for that long. smart man. It made me feel good that Jessie would be marrying a man that could lie for a damn. :)

I went into the jewelry store and helped rick pick out a beautiful ring that she deserved. 
Rick shared with me it was going to be a few weeks until he asked and he was going to take her to dinner, and would keep me posted. That was a loooooong few weeks. I called my dad every other day asking if he knew anything new. I was trying to hint at him that I knew something, and if Rick had called him and asked for his blessing to ask Jessie to marry him I knew that I would have someone to share my secret with. The secret that was eating away at me... just always sitting there in the back of my head, the secret that I was dieing to tell someone else! Mostly, I wanted Rick to hurry up and p-o-p the question so that I could share my excitment with my sister!

The night had finally come and I waited anxiously by my phone.. counting down the minutes until Jessie would call me and I could hear all the juicy details and let her know that I was in on the hardest secret I have ever had to keep! (but, I had at that point of course told my roommates, Katherine, Caitlin, Deidre, and Ale - because that kind of secret is wayyyy to hard to keep!)  I was so happy for her, and could hear the sheer surprise and happiness in her voice. I was happy for Rick and Jessie, and excited to share the next year of their lives planning, and having parties to celebrate two very important people in my life. 

I am so glad I got to be a small part of such a special, cool moment. Love you Jessie and Rick!!! :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 92

Well today was the day, as Jessie alluded to yesterday, one year ago we got engaged (and three months ago we were married, too many things on the 13th, what was I thinking?)

Jessie wants my side of the story, so here we go.

We both knew we were going to get married someday I just decided that it was time to get that process started sooner rather than later.  The first goal was to figure out the ring thing, that was a process for sure.  I went to all the jewelers in Lawrence and struck up a good repoire with "Ernie" at Kizer-Cummings downtown and figured that was the place to go.  After looking at 1,000,000 diamonds I found a good one and made the purchase but first I needed to get Libby's opinion on what to get for sure.

I couldn't just tell Libby she was coming in to look at engagement rings so I lied, making up a story that I was buying Jessie a dress from a place that was making it from scratch (this was not a good lie).  Libby saw right through my story but played along a little and came to town.  On her way in I called and told her the truth and she didn't freak out as much as I thought she would.  However, she was extremely unhappy that she would have to keep a secret for a few weeks and I believe her solution was not to talk to Jessie as much as possible.

Next on the list was figuring out when to "pop the question"  (haha)  I looked at the calendar and saw there was a Friday the 13th coming up.  I've never had any superstition with that date and coincidently, my parents were married on Friday the 13th.  This worked well so I called Cafe Beautiful since that was one of the first places we went to eat in Lawrence when Jessie moved here and they have AMAZING food so that was a really easy pick.  This date was about 3 weeks after I bought the ring but they needed a few weeks to get it put together.

Then came the big night.  I was hanging out at my place waiting for the event to kick off and decided I needed a beer, believe it or not I did get a little nervous.  Jessie told about the night really well so I'll defer to her there.

So here we are, one year later, happily married and getting ready to graduate in 6ish months.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 91

Almost one year ago today Rick and I got engaged.

It was a pretty normal week and we had planned to go out with friends on Friday to celebrate my finishing my Law Journal Article and  Rick's 'allegedly' getting funding from the school to pay for his tuition.  I had made plans with our friends to meet up for Sushi and a night down on Mass. St., when all of a sudden Rick decided we needed to kick it up a notch and made reservations at Cafe Beautiful.  Cafe Beautiful is a tiny little restaurant on the second floor of a building on Mass. St.  The chef is a Japanese man, and he only serves 2 tables a night, one at 7 and one at 9.  The food is amazing and it's also super expensive.  Way more expensive than I thought we needed to go for this little celebration.  When I questioned Rick on his decision to go to Cafe Beautiful he just said he had really been wanting the food there.  I thought this was pretty strange, because it's not exactly the kind of food you crave... like pizza or something...and I began to get a little suspicious.

Up to this point, I had not even an inkling of what was going to happen that night.  Rick and I had discussed marriage and definitely knew we'd get married someday, but we both still had almost two years of school left before graduation and I just figured we would wait to get married until we were done with school.  Anyway, after Rick changed our plans I texted the story to my sister to get her take on things.  She reassured me that it was probably nothing and Rick really did just want to eat there.  So, I called up my friend Karen to tell her we wouldn't make it for Sushi, but that we'd be sure to meet up with them after we'd gotten dinner.  I remember I felt really bad canceling on them b/c I had made all the plans, but Rick was SO insistent that we go to Cafe Beautiful.

Friday night rolls around, and I'm still a little suspicious, so I spend forever picking out an outfit and getting ready.  When I went to Rick's apartment to pick him up he seemed perfectly normal, except when he gave me a kiss I noticed he smelled like beer.  I thought it was odd, but didn't say anything.  We drove to the restaurant and almost as soon as we sat down Rick says, "So, I have something to tell you..." with this really weird smile on his face.  He then proceeds to tell me that he didn't really get funding for his tuition, to which I respond well why are we here spending all this money on dinner?!  He then gets up and starts to walk around to my side of the table.  I'm just really confused, trying to figure out what he's doing, when he gets down on one knee next to me.  I honestly don't know exactly what he said, I just remember thinking "oh my god he's proposing, don't forget to say yes".  Which is totally stupid, but I made him tell me again later what he said, so it's ok.

For the rest of dinner I couldn't stop smiling, and looking at my ring because it was (and is) the sparkliest diamond ever!  After dinner, I called my sister first thing, only to find out she'd already known for like a month.  I then called my brother to tell him and he was so funny.  I told him he was going to have a brother-in-law and he said "What? Seriously? Holy Shit!" lol.  I'm sure marriage was the farthest thing from his college freshman mind.  We then proceeded to meet up with our friends and have a few too many celebratory beers before heading home for the night.

Sadly, we don't have any pictures from that night, so here are some pics from our engagement photo shoot.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 90

Almost three months later and I've finally finished our wedding album... whew!

I'm so excited to get it, though!  I hope it gets here by Thanksgiving so I can take it and show it to everyone.
Here's a little preview...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 89

Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away!  Wow! I was seriously shocked when Rick pointed this out today.

Thanksgiving usually marks the beginning of panic for me (at least for the last 2 years) because after thanksgiving there is one week until finals start.  I'm feeling pretty good this year because a) I only have one final and b) I'm SO over school.

All classes in law school are curved, which means you'd have to work really, really hard and get an A.  Luckily it, also means you'd have to work equally hard (at something other than law school) to get a D.  So, at this point I feel fairly confident I can put in the most minimal effort possible and come out with a B.

Go Team!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

day 88

Tour Tuesday!
That's all that's left of our lovely little abode...well except maybe the garage.  Behind those doors at the end of the hall are our washer and dryer.  Rick's parents gave them to us, because they were sitting in their basement and had never been used.  I think they bought them to put in a house they were selling, but I'm not sure why they were never used.  Oh well, lucky for us!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 87

So I'm not the only one who falls asleep. As you can see, ole J-Dog is just as guilty of this offense as I am. To her benefit it's usually either in the car or on the couch but it still happens. Game Rick.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

day 86

Rick just texted me 'goodnight' 10 times... He's laying in bed next to me.
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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 85

So, Rick went to school at Illinois and he's pretty serious about watching their football games.  This is actually pretty hard to do while living in Kansas because the Big 12 dominates most football coverage around here.  This weekend, Rick's world was rocked when xbox started streaming ESPN3 live, allowing him to watch the Illini live AND on his big tv.

However, ESPN couldn't give us the exact same experience as watching on tv, because we're not paying for it so there are a few oddities when watching ESPN3.  For example, there are no commercials.  When the game goes to commercial we see this:
 We also get this screen at half-time and between quarters.  It's pretty awkward, because there is no sound, no elevator music, nothing.  One minute you're watching the game and the next it's dead silent.  I think if we were having a big watch party this would be totally weird, but luckily it's just me and Rick.  We also don't get any extra coverage, so when the announcers say, "Let's go to Andrea on the field" all we hear are the announcers breathing into the mics and all we see are random sideline shots... no Andrea.  It's actually kind of funny, because when it cuts back to the main announcers they always say something like, "Wow, Andrea that is really interesting!", but we have no idea what is so interesting.

But anyway, it's still pretty great to be able to watch the game in our own house instead of in a bar or restaurant.  The couch is way more comfortable, and I can wear my comfy clothes.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 84

Spider Bites...ewww.

I'm pretty sure that's what these are, anyway.  I've gotten a lot of opinions and that is the general consensus.  Except for Rick, who could never say anything bad about spiders :)  I also have one on my thumb which I noticed last weekend, then on Monday I noticed the ones on my arm.  I have absolutely no idea how I got these, or where.  My theory is that a spider was in a shirt or jacket I haven't worn in awhile and when I put my arm in the sleeve it went crazy on me.  The bite pattern is consistent with that.  (I sounds like Dexter haha)

So, ya this is where I'm at in life excitement right now... posting about my spider bites.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 83

One of the websites I regularly peruse is called hostesswiththemostess.com  They have the cutest party ideas.  Today there was a post about an UP (as in the movie) birthday party.  It was super cute, and I stole some of their pictures. 

Anyway, I just love that movie.  Actually, I love the first 5-10minutes when the boy and girl meet and they're so happy together and the adventure book about their life, but then it is SO SAD when the wife dies.  When Rick and I watched this movie we were both sobbing 10 minutes in!  Ok, he wasn't sobbing, maybe just a little misty... but I was. 
Here's their cute little house, on the cake, with all the balloons on it to make it float as he fulfills his wife's wish of going on the adventure!

Don't you just want to squeeze his square little cheeks! So cute!

Apparently at this party, all the kids got their own adventure book!

So, I'm sad that by the time we have kids UP won't be cool anymore and they won't want to have an UP birthday party...bummer.  Maybe I can force them to have one before they're old enough to realize they have a choice muahahaha

And since this post is supposed to be about Rick and Me I will tell you about some of our most memorable birthdays.  I didn't consult Rick on this first, but one time he told me his favorite birthday was one where his dad helped him and all the other kids make treasure boxes.  And when he says "make" he literally means saw, nail and sand the wood!  Then all the kids got to decorate them with fun stuff.  One of my most memorable parties was dinosaur themed.  My sister and I have less than 2 weeks between our birthdays, so we ended up having a lot of joint birthday parties, but that was ok b/c they were always super cool.  So, anyway for the dinosaur party my mom made this triceratop hat thing to go on our pony, Heidi, and all the kids got to ride the 'dinosaur' and then we hid little plastic toy dinosaurs all over in the sandbox and he had to excavate to find them like archaeologists, and I think we had a really awesome dinosaur cake, too.  I'm not sure why I like dinosaurs so much... maybe this was around the time Land Before Time came out b/c I LOVED that movie!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 82

I was looking through the pictures on my phone tonight trying to come up with something to blog about and I found this gem.

I walked into the post office and as I join the always long line this is what I see in front me. I was so proud of myself for sneakily taking this picture haha. Poor lady. Could she not feel the breeze? Did she forget that dress had a giant hole in the back? Or maybe she forgot that was her racerback bra? We may never know, but it sure gave me a good chuckle, and brightened what is never a fun task... Standing in line at the post office.
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

day 81

Tour Tuesday!

I think we're down to the last room in our house now, our bedroom. It is truly a work in progress. As you can see by the pictures, we have zero real bedroom furniture. Which is sad, but the reality is in less than a year we will be moving again and bedroom furniture is big and heavy, so we decided to wait until we are living somewhere more permanent to invest in that.

In the meantime we have nightstands from home depot, a little boy dresser from Craigslist, and the dresser my brother left in our garage.

I just noticed that Rick's dirty jeans made it into every picture haha. Earlier tonight they were in the living room where he dropped them after getting home from the rec. Then he said he was going to put his stuff away, but those only made it from the living room to the bed. I guess I'll consider that an improvement.
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 80

Wow, it is November already!  Time is going way too fast.  Cue serious freak out about finding a job, taking the bar, and moving across the country.

On a happier note we did have trick-or-treaters last night!  The first little guy to come was probably only about 2 and as soon as I opened the door, he ran into our house lol.  His mom had to chase after him.  It was pretty funny.  I'm not sure what he was supposed to be, some yellow, cartoon character.  I'm not hip to the kid lingo.  Anyway, poor little guy had these gloves on as part of his costume and he couldn't pick up any of the candy. 

Later we had a few witches, vampires, scary things.  They weren't very entertaining.  Oh, except one kid picked out a Hershey bar and as he was walking away, I heard him say, "Yes, I love these things!" haha Apparently we have excellent taste in candy. 

We ended the night with an entire family of trick-or-treaters.  That's right, kids, mom and grandma (dressed in a poncho) all knocked on the door, yelled "trick or treat" before we opened the door and then everyone of them, including mom and grandma, took candy...???  Odd, very odd.

Rick is already looking forward to the day that he can take all our kids trick-or-treating and then "eat all their candy when they go to sleep".