Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 251

Tonight I headed over to KC to spend some quality time with my sister and see Water for Elephants with her and a friend.

The movie was really good and definitely did the book justice.  Ever since My Sister's Keeper... where they killed off the wrong girl... I'm scarred on books being made into movies.  Talk about taking creative liberties. geez.  Anyway, Water for Elephants was pretty true to the book and really good.  Although, I still don't get the Robert Pattinson obsession.

Anyway, about 20 minutes into the movie a lady down the row from us turned around and flipped out hushing this guy in the row behind us.  I hadn't really noticed before but this guy was basically translating the movie.  You'd think 'sshhh' would be universal, but this guy just couldn't stop.  At one point I turned around and he was waving an imaginary knife around just like the guy in the movie, while frantically whispering to his wife/mother.

Afterward, in the parking lot we saw the chatty couple and the man was like 10 feet ahead of his wife/mother walking to the car.  You'd think if he was willing to translate the whole movie for her, he'd be willing to walk a little slower in the parking lot for her... guess not.

Now I remember why I don't like going to the movies.  With Rick's giant tv there's really no reason haha

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