Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 236

The Reelz Channel, which is one of the random channels we get, is showing this special series on The Kennedys this week.  I have a minor obsession with them and have read a lot of books about their family.  They're just all so interesting with their huge families and tragic deaths.  It's been on for at least an hour every night this week, and Rick has been kindly obliging me in watching it all.

This mini-series was originally supposed to be on the History Channel but apparently got dumped bc it wasn't very good.  And I'll agree that the acting is sub-par.  Jackie and Rose have really weird accents.  And every time JFK makes some big command decision as president he phrases it like a question.  Are you sure about that Mr. President?

All in all it's been pretty interesting.  I never realized how many big historical events happened during his presidency... Cuban Missile Crisis, the riots at Ole Miss over desegregation.  So, if nothing else it's been a good history lesson review.

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