Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 233

One of my favorite past times is scoping out our neighbors and seeing what they're up to.  I like to try to figure out their lives, who they are and what they do.  Rick makes fun of me.

Anyway, this morning  I was sitting in the living room when I heard a loud beeping like a big truck backing up.  I knew it wasn't trash day, so I peeked out the front window and saw an ambulance across the street.  Then a police car and a fire truck showed up.  That's a lot of action for our little cul-de-sac.  Anyway, when the paramedics got out the man who lives in that house came out and was talking to them. I thought it was weird that he didn't look upset at all.  I would think that if things were bad enough to call an ambulance he'd be more upset... guess not.  About 20 minutes later they wheeled out a little old lady on the stretcher.  She was sitting up, so I think that means she's not dead and it looked like she was breathing okay and everything. I've never seen this lady before, so I can only assume that she hasn't been in good health for awhile and maybe that's why her husband/son wasn't upset?  He didn't even ride with her to the hospital!  I thought maybe he was going to follow in his car, but he just went back inside and closed the door when they left.  weird.

So, that was my eventful morning.  The most exciting part might have been watching the ambulance, the fire truck and the police car all try to maneuver their way back out of the cul-de-sac haha  They had like three firefighters out directing traffic.

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