Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 247

Today class was a little boring, so Christina and I decided to see if we could list all 50 states and capitols.  Waaaaay easier said than done.  I managed to list all 50 states but it took me awhile.  I tried to go across the country from West to East, but things got a little iffy around Ohio.  The Northeast is tricky, and for some reason I forgot Mississippi.  Apparently, I'm terrible at capitols.  For the life of me I couldn't think of the capitol of Maine.  I couldn't think of a single city in Maine and I've been to Maine on vacation.  Ridiculous.

I looked up a map after class, and now I just feel dumb for not knowing so many.

I have a serious case of senioritis.  Good thing tomorrow is my last day of class. EVER.

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