Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 232

Yesterday, Rick and I spent an entire afternoon looking at houses in Champaign and researching everything there is to read about getting a mortgage.  We realized that if we end up in Champaign, we should definitely buy a house because our mortgage payment would be really close to what we're paying in rent now and it's just silly to basically throw that money away when we could be investing it.

This is SO EXCITING!  The thought that we could own our very own house in less than a few months is amazing.  I'm so, so ready to have somewhere that is really our own home.  I almost feel like that is something I've never had since my parent's got divorced when I was 6 and after that it was always "mom's house" and "dad's house" never home.  And since I've gone to college, almost 8 years ago, I've lived in a different house every year, sometimes more than one in a year.  So to say that I'm excited to have a place to call home and not have to pack up my stuff in 11.5 months is the understatement of the year.

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