Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 237

Well today may become one for the record books.  If Congress can't reach an agreement on the budget by midnight tonight the whole federal government is going to shut down.  Apparently this happened before, back in 1995, for 20 days, but I was only 10 then and it apparently had no affect on me worth remembering.  I doubt it will have much of an affect on me this time either, unless it lasts a really long time.  Unfortunately, I think we'll still have to file our taxes and Bar exams are run by the state, so no luck there.

It will affect a lot of other people, though.  People who work for the government and just won't get paid.  How crappy is that.  Not to mention the Congressmen who are causing this problem, will continue to be paid.  Glad they could agree on that stipulation. has articles on why the government shutting down can make your day and why it can ruin your day haha.  The 'make your day' reasons really aren't that great.  One of them is "no one will be auditing your taxes"  Well, ya, maybe they aren't right now, but I'm pretty sure if you were going to be audited they will track you down ASAP as soon as things are up and running again.

Hopefully, they can get things worked out.  This country has enough problems as it is, we don't need to create more for ourselves.

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