Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 243

Tonight Rick and I went to a concert/show at the Bottleneck.  It was with Justin Townes Earle and James Nash.  We bought a CD from James Nash and I accidentally called him James Cash (not to his face, to the lady working the CD table) and felt really dumb.  I'm not sure she actually heard me, though, because it was really loud.  Whew.  I'm totally not into the whole 'show' scene but Rick loves to go and he especially loves Justin Townes Earle, so I agreed to go.  I like to think Rick is good at making me expand my interests and try new things :)

Here are some pictures from the show.  My camera work was less than perfect.  I didn't manage to catch a picture of the guy dressed like Huckleberry Finn.  Rick said that Justin Townes Earle is getting really popular with the hipster crowd and that guy was probably being ironic (because that's what hipsters do)... not sure how dressing like Huck Finn is ironic, but Rick's the expert on this stuff.

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