Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 238

Well last night was fun!

Tom and Libby paid us a visit and we showed them a good time.  After dinner at the Salty Iguana we headed back to our place to enjoy the nice weather on the patio.  The boys proceeded to drink almost every single beer in our fridge.  Meanwhile Libby and I managed to polish off massive quantities of wine and befriend our neighbors cat Trixi/Harold.  Apparently, Trixi/Harold is new to the neighborhood and she enjoys doing laps through our patio.  She's sneaky.

We finished off the night with some rousing rounds of P&A.  Libby was President for the first time ever, with a little help from Tom.  The night ended when Tom disappeared for an extended period under the ruse of going to the bathroom.  Somewhere along the way he fell asleep on the bed, but claimed it was an accident.

Spangles is the cure for all hangovers, so we hit up Rene for breakfast the next morning.

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