Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 246

Rick found out last week while he was in San Diego that his Utah Flight Test was back on again.  Lame.  This trip has been the bane of my existence for about 6 months now.  It was supposed to happen over Christmas break but got pushed back, then over spring break and again got pushed back.  Then it was canceled because the apparently changed all its regulations between last year and this year.  And now, somehow, a colonel or general in the army who's a buddy of the professor has made sure it is happening.  So annoying.

Poor Rick had to work on getting ready for it all weekend after a crazy trip to CA and being sick on top of it all.  The only good part is that they have to be out by May 1, so they'll only be down there for 1.5 weeks instead of 3.  Rick keeps telling me it was never going to be 3 weeks, but I swear it was at one point.  It's hard to keep track of all of it when it changes every other day.

Anyway, I'll be glad when this trip is over and Rick is back for good.  I feel like I've barely seen him all week.

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