Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 8

Last night Rick and I went out to dinner to celebrate our one week anniversary.  We decided to check out Free State which is always packed, but we lucked out and got a front row parking spot AND we were immediately seated... score!  It's a good thing, too, because when we left it was pouring rain.  We spend the rest of the evening hanging out on the couch like an old married couple.  I ate cake and Rick drank some of the beer that I picked up for him in Kansas City.

Rick called while I was in KC today running some errands and having lunch with Libby asking if I would be near 435 and state line.  I figured he wanted me to pick up some plane parts b/c they often have to run over to KC to get things and the engine on their plane wasn't working, but no, he wanted me to buy him some beer that is only sold in Missouri.  So, I drove 15 minutes out of my way to the shady gas station/liquor store he scouted out to buy him the beer.  Yes, I know, I am the best. wife. ever.
He let me put The Blind Side at the top of our netflix que last night, so I suppose it all evens out.

Today, we are off to do fun married people things like buy a knife set and pick up a chair I bought yesterday.  Whoo!

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