Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 14

We've been married for 2 weeks!

Moving in together has been a pretty easy adjustment for us, so far.  We spent A LOT of our time together before we got married, including eating most of our meals together, so it has been an easy change.

One of the things I love most about living with Rick is that I have a guy around to do all of the manly things around the house.  I no longer have to kill spiders, take out the trash, lift heavy things, check that the doors are locked at night, or mow the lawn (haha just kidding I never did this anyway).

I haven't lived at home for going on 8 years, now, and in all that time I have only ever lived with myself or other girls, so, I had to do all the dirty, scary, hard jobs myself.  It's been so nice to have Rick around and just to have someone else to share the load with.  I know I can count on him to be there and take care of things.

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