Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 5

Part of the joys of living with someone is finding out all kinds of quirky odd things about them.  For example:
The other day Rick made a request that I put the shower stopper down after I take a shower (our shower requires you to pull a little knob up to turn the shower on).  I thought this was an odd request, so I asked why it mattered whether the shower knob was up or down.  Apparently when Rick turns on the shower, he leans completely into the tub (and completely into the spray of the shower) to turn on the water.  When I left the knob up he was getting soaked with cold water haha.  What a weirdo.  When I turn on the shower I stick just enough of my arm in to flip on the water and then wait til it warms up. 
Anyway, this is probably a terribly boring and mundane story to everyone but us, but we thought it was funny how many ways there were to turn on the shower.
For the record I have since remembered every time to put the knob down.  Rick on the other hand often forgets to put the knob down AND to shut the shower curtain.  Oh well, I still love him I suppose.

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