Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 12

Last night Rick and I made enchiladas.  I invited my little brother, Tristan, over for dinner.  It has sort of become our Tuesday night ritual for Tristan to come eat dinner with us and then watch Wipeout.

This is how Tuesdays go:

Text conversation between Tristan and me.
1pm -  Me: "want to come over for dinner? we're making ________(fill in the blank with a delicious creation)"
2pm - Tristan: "sure can I bring anything?" He's so polite he always asks if he can bring anything.
2:01pm -  Me: "sure why don't you pick up some ___________ (think of something cheap and easy for him to pick up)."
3pm - Tristan: "ok, what time?"
3:01pm - Me: "6"  It's always 6 I don't know why he asks.
4pm - Tristan: "ok see you then"

5pm - Rick and I arrive home and hurry to start cooking so things will be ready by 6.  We have to eat at 6, so we'll be done and have everything cleaned up by the time Wipeout starts at 7.  We love Wipeout.
6pm - Foods almost ready, we have a beer and wait for Tristan.
6:15pm - Foods ready, we are starving, so we start eating really slowly in hopes that Tristan will show up soon
6:30pm - Rick finished his food 12 minutes ago and still no Tristan.  I text Tristan to see if he is still coming.
6:35pm - text from Tristan "ya, sorry. on my way now."
6:45pm - Still no Tristan, we start cleaning up because Wipeout starts in 15 minutes... duh
6:55pm - Tristan Arrives!
6:56pm - I direct Tristan to the plates and food while I hurry to fit the last thing in the dishwasher.
6:58pm - Rick packs up the leftovers as Tristan is scooping out  the last of his serving.
6:59pm - Everyone settles in and we tune in for... W-W-W-Wipeoooooouuuutt!

Seriously, every Tuesday this is our life... maybe next week Tristan will be on time.

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