Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 10

Today was my first day back at work after the wedding... boo!  And my first day back at the law school in awhile.
It's kind of awkward seeing everyone for the first time after getting married because you have to talk about yourself so much all the time.  It's not really my style to gush on and on about my life, I'd rather fire questions at everyone else.  So, I'm kind of ready for that to be over with and just be happily married.
I'm not sure Rick has this same experience, guys probably care a lot less about weddings than girls do and therefore ask a lot less questions.  They're a lot more concerned with his recent Madden 2011 purchase. (I don't know anything about video games and I'm not sure that is even the correct name of the game)

I'm trying to include a picture in every post to make them more interesting, so here's a shot of my desk at work.  Currently, I'm working on an awesome research assignment about discharging educational loans in bankruptcy... fun!

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