Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 16


Well, I managed to keep this secret, surprise blog under-wraps for all of 2 weeks.  Rick discovered it when he noticed that it was my number 1 bookmark on my phone.  oops.  Luckily, he's on board and thinks it's a cool idea.  I tried to convince him to help me with it and write some posts, too, but he just wants to read it all at the end.  Thanks a lot :)

On a funnier note...
Last night, on our way home, I was getting some gum out of my purse and Rick asked me what I was eating.  I replied, "gum, what do you think I have stashed in my purse?"  His response: "I don't know, but if I had a purse I would keep all kinds of treats and goodies in it.  Like cookies and chocolates." 
So watch out purse-carrying women, Rick thinks you carry 'treats' in there and he might try to snag one from you.

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