Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 11

I can't believe I forgot to write about this on Sunday, b/c it is a really funny story and since the title of my blog is "marriage is anything but boring" it totally fits.

So, Saturday night Rick and I are enjoying the new patio furniture, drinking some wine from our winery trip earlier that day, enjoying the night.  As it got dark we began to discuss tiki torches and how great it would be to get for our patio.  About midnight, Rick decides that this idea just cannot wait and we need to go get our tiki torches right then. 

Well, being the responsible adults that we are, we know that we can't drive anywhere in our current state.  Luckily, there is a Hyvee less than a mile from our house.  I'm thinking we will walk there, but Rick has other plans: bikes.  Now, Rick rides his bike all the time, almost everyday.  He also has a really nice bike that changes gears easily and whizzes around with barely any effort.  I on the other hand have my mother's 20ish year old bike that is heavy and requires a lot of concentration and balance to change gears without messing up the chain. 

So, somehow Rick convinces me that biking is the best way to go and we get on the bikes.  I made us ride on the sidewalk because street riding is scary and it was really dark out and my bike has no lights.  Little did I know, halfway to Hyvee the sidewalk on our side of the street abruptly ends and you have to cross over to the sidewalk on the other side of the street.  Now, Rick saw the end of the sidewalk coming and just veered on over to the other side of the street.  I, however, was concentrating on not falling over so hard that I did not see the end, until it was 5 feet in front of me.  Somehow I managed to make it into the street, but in an attempt to reach the other sidewalk I crashed into the curb and stubbed my big toe really hard.  There was no physical evidence of my injury, except for a big gash on my sandal, but I swear it still hurts three days later.

Anyway, I try to get back on my bike, but it was just too hard to get going up-hill, with my hurt foot, so I ended up walking.  At this point Rick is probably 100 yards ahead of me when he finally notices that I'm not behind him anymore and comes cruising back to see what happened. He didn't believe I was hurt because I wasn't bleeding, but he walked his bike with me the rest of the way to Hyvee.

After all that, Hyvee did not have any tiki torches... lame.  We even called ahead before we set out on this adventure and the guy I talked to said they did have them.  Rick made the checker guy go and look in the back (he really wanted those tiki torches) to make sure they didn't have any, but no dice.

So, we rode back home.  And I made it all the way back on my bike without incident!

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