Monday, August 30, 2010

day 17

First Monday back at school and it was crazy. So busy all day long. I was running from working at legal aid, to working on symposium stuff, back to legal aid. Then to my paying job bc I'm the only clerk and they're dragging their feet on hiring anyone else (I'll save that rant for another day) then back to class and finally home, to pay bills and do a few last things to get my name changed. Then it was off to the store to get a few thing for dinner at a friends tonight and book club tomorrow.
I came home from dinner tonight to find Rick sitting on the patio, torches lit, good music and a beer. It was so calming and relaxing to sit outside with my husband after a long, long day. I am a very lucky lady to have such a wonderful person in my life who knows the perfect way to end a day.
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