Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 18

We made Rick's fraternity newsletter!  I think if this were a newspaper it would be equivalent to a front page spread!

Brother Marky T. is Preacher Marky T.?  He sure is!  Mark Tallungan '00 married Rick Riley '07 and Jessie Riley.  Dave Simpson '07 was the best man.

Who can guess what Frank's doing?

Many brothers were in attendance.  Frank Bieszczat, Mikey Ryan, Rick Riley, Dave Simpson, Chris Plencner, Dan Thorne, Matt Buckles, Mark Tallungan, Scott Nellis, Justin Kuehlthau.

Monday, August 30, 2010

day 17

First Monday back at school and it was crazy. So busy all day long. I was running from working at legal aid, to working on symposium stuff, back to legal aid. Then to my paying job bc I'm the only clerk and they're dragging their feet on hiring anyone else (I'll save that rant for another day) then back to class and finally home, to pay bills and do a few last things to get my name changed. Then it was off to the store to get a few thing for dinner at a friends tonight and book club tomorrow.
I came home from dinner tonight to find Rick sitting on the patio, torches lit, good music and a beer. It was so calming and relaxing to sit outside with my husband after a long, long day. I am a very lucky lady to have such a wonderful person in my life who knows the perfect way to end a day.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 16


Well, I managed to keep this secret, surprise blog under-wraps for all of 2 weeks.  Rick discovered it when he noticed that it was my number 1 bookmark on my phone.  oops.  Luckily, he's on board and thinks it's a cool idea.  I tried to convince him to help me with it and write some posts, too, but he just wants to read it all at the end.  Thanks a lot :)

On a funnier note...
Last night, on our way home, I was getting some gum out of my purse and Rick asked me what I was eating.  I replied, "gum, what do you think I have stashed in my purse?"  His response: "I don't know, but if I had a purse I would keep all kinds of treats and goodies in it.  Like cookies and chocolates." 
So watch out purse-carrying women, Rick thinks you carry 'treats' in there and he might try to snag one from you.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 15

Shower Curtain Update.
Remember how Rick was having a tough time remembering to shut the shower curtain?
This is his solution to that problem.

My husband wrote himself a little note on the shower curtain liner.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 14

We've been married for 2 weeks!

Moving in together has been a pretty easy adjustment for us, so far.  We spent A LOT of our time together before we got married, including eating most of our meals together, so it has been an easy change.

One of the things I love most about living with Rick is that I have a guy around to do all of the manly things around the house.  I no longer have to kill spiders, take out the trash, lift heavy things, check that the doors are locked at night, or mow the lawn (haha just kidding I never did this anyway).

I haven't lived at home for going on 8 years, now, and in all that time I have only ever lived with myself or other girls, so, I had to do all the dirty, scary, hard jobs myself.  It's been so nice to have Rick around and just to have someone else to share the load with.  I know I can count on him to be there and take care of things.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

day 13

My wipeout post the other day inspired me to write a post on some of our other favorite tv shows. It's a little embarrassing how much tv we watch, but we're poor student newylweds and tv is cheap, so that's my justification. We don't even have cable! but we so have netflix, so I don't feel like we're missing too much. So here goes...
Rick and Jessie's favorite tv shows 2010:
modern family
the middle
law and order: criminal intent
whale wars
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 12

Last night Rick and I made enchiladas.  I invited my little brother, Tristan, over for dinner.  It has sort of become our Tuesday night ritual for Tristan to come eat dinner with us and then watch Wipeout.

This is how Tuesdays go:

Text conversation between Tristan and me.
1pm -  Me: "want to come over for dinner? we're making ________(fill in the blank with a delicious creation)"
2pm - Tristan: "sure can I bring anything?" He's so polite he always asks if he can bring anything.
2:01pm -  Me: "sure why don't you pick up some ___________ (think of something cheap and easy for him to pick up)."
3pm - Tristan: "ok, what time?"
3:01pm - Me: "6"  It's always 6 I don't know why he asks.
4pm - Tristan: "ok see you then"

5pm - Rick and I arrive home and hurry to start cooking so things will be ready by 6.  We have to eat at 6, so we'll be done and have everything cleaned up by the time Wipeout starts at 7.  We love Wipeout.
6pm - Foods almost ready, we have a beer and wait for Tristan.
6:15pm - Foods ready, we are starving, so we start eating really slowly in hopes that Tristan will show up soon
6:30pm - Rick finished his food 12 minutes ago and still no Tristan.  I text Tristan to see if he is still coming.
6:35pm - text from Tristan "ya, sorry. on my way now."
6:45pm - Still no Tristan, we start cleaning up because Wipeout starts in 15 minutes... duh
6:55pm - Tristan Arrives!
6:56pm - I direct Tristan to the plates and food while I hurry to fit the last thing in the dishwasher.
6:58pm - Rick packs up the leftovers as Tristan is scooping out  the last of his serving.
6:59pm - Everyone settles in and we tune in for... W-W-W-Wipeoooooouuuutt!

Seriously, every Tuesday this is our life... maybe next week Tristan will be on time.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 11

I can't believe I forgot to write about this on Sunday, b/c it is a really funny story and since the title of my blog is "marriage is anything but boring" it totally fits.

So, Saturday night Rick and I are enjoying the new patio furniture, drinking some wine from our winery trip earlier that day, enjoying the night.  As it got dark we began to discuss tiki torches and how great it would be to get for our patio.  About midnight, Rick decides that this idea just cannot wait and we need to go get our tiki torches right then. 

Well, being the responsible adults that we are, we know that we can't drive anywhere in our current state.  Luckily, there is a Hyvee less than a mile from our house.  I'm thinking we will walk there, but Rick has other plans: bikes.  Now, Rick rides his bike all the time, almost everyday.  He also has a really nice bike that changes gears easily and whizzes around with barely any effort.  I on the other hand have my mother's 20ish year old bike that is heavy and requires a lot of concentration and balance to change gears without messing up the chain. 

So, somehow Rick convinces me that biking is the best way to go and we get on the bikes.  I made us ride on the sidewalk because street riding is scary and it was really dark out and my bike has no lights.  Little did I know, halfway to Hyvee the sidewalk on our side of the street abruptly ends and you have to cross over to the sidewalk on the other side of the street.  Now, Rick saw the end of the sidewalk coming and just veered on over to the other side of the street.  I, however, was concentrating on not falling over so hard that I did not see the end, until it was 5 feet in front of me.  Somehow I managed to make it into the street, but in an attempt to reach the other sidewalk I crashed into the curb and stubbed my big toe really hard.  There was no physical evidence of my injury, except for a big gash on my sandal, but I swear it still hurts three days later.

Anyway, I try to get back on my bike, but it was just too hard to get going up-hill, with my hurt foot, so I ended up walking.  At this point Rick is probably 100 yards ahead of me when he finally notices that I'm not behind him anymore and comes cruising back to see what happened. He didn't believe I was hurt because I wasn't bleeding, but he walked his bike with me the rest of the way to Hyvee.

After all that, Hyvee did not have any tiki torches... lame.  We even called ahead before we set out on this adventure and the guy I talked to said they did have them.  Rick made the checker guy go and look in the back (he really wanted those tiki torches) to make sure they didn't have any, but no dice.

So, we rode back home.  And I made it all the way back on my bike without incident!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 10

Today was my first day back at work after the wedding... boo!  And my first day back at the law school in awhile.
It's kind of awkward seeing everyone for the first time after getting married because you have to talk about yourself so much all the time.  It's not really my style to gush on and on about my life, I'd rather fire questions at everyone else.  So, I'm kind of ready for that to be over with and just be happily married.
I'm not sure Rick has this same experience, guys probably care a lot less about weddings than girls do and therefore ask a lot less questions.  They're a lot more concerned with his recent Madden 2011 purchase. (I don't know anything about video games and I'm not sure that is even the correct name of the game)

I'm trying to include a picture in every post to make them more interesting, so here's a shot of my desk at work.  Currently, I'm working on an awesome research assignment about discharging educational loans in bankruptcy... fun!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 9

Rick and I have been scouring craigslist for some patio furniture now that
 we have a great patio at our new place.  Yesterday, we made a great find and bought a really nice table and chairs and umbrella.  I'm so excited for it to cool off a little so we can invite friends over and BBQ.

We were so excited about it that we sat outside last night and played cards, even though it was a thousand degrees out.  I think this is a purchases that will be well worth every penny!

In other exciting news...
My dad and sister competed in a duathalon this weekend!  Libby ran a 10k and my dad rode his bike 30k.  I'm very impressed, because I know I couldn't have done that!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 8

Last night Rick and I went out to dinner to celebrate our one week anniversary.  We decided to check out Free State which is always packed, but we lucked out and got a front row parking spot AND we were immediately seated... score!  It's a good thing, too, because when we left it was pouring rain.  We spend the rest of the evening hanging out on the couch like an old married couple.  I ate cake and Rick drank some of the beer that I picked up for him in Kansas City.

Rick called while I was in KC today running some errands and having lunch with Libby asking if I would be near 435 and state line.  I figured he wanted me to pick up some plane parts b/c they often have to run over to KC to get things and the engine on their plane wasn't working, but no, he wanted me to buy him some beer that is only sold in Missouri.  So, I drove 15 minutes out of my way to the shady gas station/liquor store he scouted out to buy him the beer.  Yes, I know, I am the best. wife. ever.
He let me put The Blind Side at the top of our netflix que last night, so I suppose it all evens out.

Today, we are off to do fun married people things like buy a knife set and pick up a chair I bought yesterday.  Whoo!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 7

We've been married for a whole week!

Coming up with things to write about everyday is a lot more difficult than I anticipated.  Hopefully, I will have more to say once I am back in school and working.  I took two weeks off to get ready for the wedding and recover.  It's been really nice having some time to get things organized, work on thank you notes (oh wait, definitely haven't done that) and relax.  Rick went back to work on Tuesday, though, so it has been a little lonely and boring.  Days off are a lot more fun when you have someone to share them with.

Well, in an attempt to make this terribly boring post more interesting I'm adding some wedding pictures!

This last one is my favorite so far, I love how romantic it is.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

day 6

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 This is what he looks like when he rides his bike (minus the shirt on his head).
Rick LOVES to bike ride.  I LOVE to make fun of him for his biking 'get up'.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 5

Part of the joys of living with someone is finding out all kinds of quirky odd things about them.  For example:
The other day Rick made a request that I put the shower stopper down after I take a shower (our shower requires you to pull a little knob up to turn the shower on).  I thought this was an odd request, so I asked why it mattered whether the shower knob was up or down.  Apparently when Rick turns on the shower, he leans completely into the tub (and completely into the spray of the shower) to turn on the water.  When I left the knob up he was getting soaked with cold water haha.  What a weirdo.  When I turn on the shower I stick just enough of my arm in to flip on the water and then wait til it warms up. 
Anyway, this is probably a terribly boring and mundane story to everyone but us, but we thought it was funny how many ways there were to turn on the shower.
For the record I have since remembered every time to put the knob down.  Rick on the other hand often forgets to put the knob down AND to shut the shower curtain.  Oh well, I still love him I suppose.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

day 4

I got my rings back from the jeweler today...yay! I only dropped it off yesterday but it felt so weird to not have it on. I kept feeling my hand to see if it was there and then momentarily freaking out when it wasn't there.
Rick is also adjusting to wearing his ring. After a few adjustments I think we've got it figured out and fitting well. He really likes to clack it on things and make loud noises. haha whatever keeps him wearing it is good with me.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

day 3

This is all the cake we have left from the wedding... and I was worried we would run out! I seriously almost ordered more so that we could take some home. so glad I didn't do that!
we also have about 8 bottles of champagne left to drink. good times.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 2

I think we are definitely loved. weddings are exhausting. but so so so fun.
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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 1

Introducing... Mr. and Mrs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's official we've tied the knot and today is our first day as newlyweds, so that means day one of my new blog.  I decided to start this blog, because I love to read other blogs and I feel like I should contribute instead of just stalking everyone else's blogs.

My goal for this blog is to document each day of our first year of marriage and then have it made into a book for us to look back on someday.  I think I'm going to have a hard time with blogging EVERY day, so I've set a goal to at least post a picture every day.  Rick and I got new phones awhile back and one on my favorite things about them is that I can take fairly quality pictures on them and send them, post them, email them right away.  I'm terrible at remembering to take pictures.  I carry my camera in my purse everyday and rarely take a picture and even more rarely upload those pictures, so this really simplifies the process.

I'm actually writing this post a few days ahead of time (we might be a little busy celebrating on our actual first day as newlyweds) because I'm an annoying planner like that, so I apologize for the lack of wedding talk.  I'm hoping to upload a photo on the actual day if I remember.