Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 330

Rick and I have been in negotiations over whether to get a cat.  Rick loves cats (weird I know) and I'm pretty indifferent... leaning towards Team Dog.  After watching a lot of 'cute kitten' videos on youtube Rick convinced me to get a cat.

We'd been debating about the best time to do it and decided to just go to the humane society and check things out this afternoon.  After a cursory inspection of all the merchandise we fell in like with an orange cat named Romeo.  He was very playful and snuggled right up to us through the cage.  When we asked to take him out and play with him we learned he had already been adopted... Rick was heartbroken.

He quickly recovered, though, when we found another kitten he dubbed 'replacement kitty'.  Replacement kitty was fairly cuddly and full of energy.  His real name was Lupin (Harry Potter reference) and he was a pretty gray color.  After some serious play time we decided to take a night to think about it and do some more research.  Lupin is only 4 months old and we think we might need one that is a little older since we won't be home much to play with it, but he was soooo cute.

This was the best picture I could get of him.  He did not like to sit still and he was kind of a spaz.  If we get him he should fit right in :)

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