Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 321

Today was the big practice test for the multiple choice part of the bar exam.  6 hours and 200 multiple choice questions.  This is my favorite way to spend the Friday before the 4th of July.  Over the past 4 weeks I've been learning what feels like everything there is to know about Contracts, Constitutional Law, Evidence, Criminal Law and Procedure, Torts and Property.  I've been doing alright on the practice questions, so hopefully this test reflects that we'll see.  I felt like I did a good job of narrowing it down to two choices, but not so sure how I did beyond that.  Too bad you don't get a point for ruling out the two wrong answers.

Now that it's over I'm going to take the rest of the day and tomorrow off and just enjoy the holiday.  I'm putting off grading my test til Sunday.

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