Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 329

This weekend Rick went down to Edwardsville to ride in the Tour de Doughnut.  This is sort of a family tradition with his parents and they ride in it every year.

Two years ago Rick talked me into doing it.  I am not a bike rider, but I figured 30 miles couldn't possibly be that far and I could for sure do it, no problem.  I went on one 'practice ride' with Rick that resulted in a lot of whining and a sunburn, but I was still pretty confident.

The morning of the race we got up super early and headed out to the race.  As we were waiting in line to start it started to rain.  Then thunder and lightening.  Then hail.  I was soaked and freezing and the race hadn't even started. The race ended much better than it began and I quickly dried out, but it was waaaay harder than I thought it would be.  I was pretty proud of myself for finishing haha

Anyway, I couldn't go this year because I had to stay home and study (insert stupid bar exam comment).  So, Rick and his mom decided to ride super fast and see how fast they could do.  Overall they got 83rd out of 1600 riders!  And Rick's mom got 2nd in her age group and even got a medal!

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