Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 323

I've been scouring craigslist for some nice, grown-up dressers for our bedroom.  This past week I found some great ones, but they were being sold by a guy who lives about 45 minutes north of Champaign.  I managed to talk him down $100 on his price, Rick was proud.  He's usually the barterer in this relationship.

Yesterday, we drove up to check them out in person and pick them up. I'd put the address in my phone, but it pretty much led us to the middle of a cornfield.  So, I called the seller.  This guy had no idea where he lived.  He gave the worst directions ever and kept changing them as we went.   Finally we found his house.  He had a ton of stuff for sale in there, including three trampolines.  Totally Sketchy.

So while we're very happy about our great deal on the dressers, we think there's a fair chance they were obtained illegally by this dude.  Oh well.