Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 276

Tonight we headed over to KC to see some friends one last time before we move.  It was a fun night and I got a little sad on the way home thinking about leaving everyone here.  We (mostly Rick) do have quite a few friends that still live/are moving back to Champaign, so it's not like it will be the two of us just hanging out alone every night.

I think I'm really bad with change or something, even when I'm really excited about it.  When Rick and I moved in together last year I was ecstatic.  No more choosing who's house to make dinner at every night and toting stuff back and forth.  But the day we moved in I felt almost homesick.  I don't even like going home (to my parents), so I have no idea why I felt like that.  I played it off as concern over our lack of storage in this apartment and the massive amount of stuff we own haha.  When I was little, after my parents got divorced, my dad would have other families over for dinner parties a lot.  I remember always being so sad when they had to go home because our house would feel so empty with just us in it. I probably have some weird child-of-divorce-residual-issues that I never worked through.

I could not be more thrilled to have our own house, but I know I'll feel a little sad and out of place when we first move in.  Maybe I'll be fine because this is the first place that is totally ours, the first real home I've had in years.  Or maybe we'll host a dinner party right away so I can feel better. :)