Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 270

Today we headed back to Champaign via Rick's parents house.  Our home inspection is bright and early tomorrow morning, so we made it a little easier on ourselves by crashing at Rick's parents house for the night.

The last time we were at his parents they showed us some tadpoles that had hatched in a few big puddles out in their pasture.  At the time there were about a billion of them and the puddles were pretty big.  Tonight we checked on them again and their puddle home was quickly drying up so Pat, Carly, Rick and I made it our mission to save them.  We tried several methods for transplanting them but they're slippery little things and were hard to scoop up.  We finally discovered... after much tromping in the mud... (ok, not by me.  I don't really like to get dirty) that a pool skimmer was the best way to catch them, put them in the bucket and then have Rick's dad drive out to the other side of the pond... far away from the numerous catfish... and release them.

I don't know what that froggy mom was thinking laying her kids there.  Lucky for her we were there to save them.

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