Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 268

Lately one thing after another has been falling apart in our apartment.  It's making me a little nervous for house ownership because I realized last night that if this were our house we would be footing the bill for all these repairs.

Last week, well actually a few weeks ago, the fridge stopped being cold.  We had two gallons of milk go bad before their sell by date.  I've never had that happen.  I had to put  Rick's beer thermometer in the fridge to make sure I wasn't going crazy and convince our land lady something was wrong with it.  That all seems to be fixed now... the milk was frozen this morning haha

We also had a window break... the frame just fell out when we opened it.  And the handle on the microwave is no longer attached at the bottom, but if you give it a good whack and pull from the top it sort of functions.

The biggest problem is that our air conditioner stopped working last night.  It only blows hot air and 'blows' might be a bit of an exaggeration.  The AC guy was out here all day working on it, but we got the bad news about 5 that it would be fixed until tomorrow.  Something about it being overheated.  So, we've been sentenced to a hot sticky night.  Not fun.  I looked at the weather and it's supposed to get down to 74 for approximately 2 hours tonight... awesome. 

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