Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 265

The war of hard-headed-ness continues...

5am: Email from Jeannie trying to convince us to buy house.  This makes me want to walk away even more just to prove her wrong.

9am: Call Jeannie.  Give another offer of $160,500, no warranty.  Tell Jeannie we want to discuss rental properties with her to psych Esther out.

9:05am: Determine that even if Esther counters with $162,000 we will accept it because we want the house.  Although, I will forever hold a grudge against Esther for being so stubborn.

10:30am: Counter-offer: $162,000 and warranty... gee thanks for that bone Esther.

10:45am: Accept offer at $162,000 plus warranty.  Ask for earlier closing.  Jeannie tells us we're driving her crazy.

noon: Contract deadline expires.  Radio silence.  Has Esther changed her mind?  Call Jeannie.

2pm: Here from Jeannie. We have verbal acceptance but because Esther is out of town it is going to take awhile to get the contract signed.

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