Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 272

Yesterday afternoon on our way home from Champaign we found out that Rick's uncle, his dad's brother, had passed away.  He had been sick for a long time, so it wasn't unexpected, but it was nice that we happened to be in town so we could spend some time with his dad and see all of his aunts, uncles and cousins.

Rick's family has a history of colon cancer and they decided to try to do some genetic testing with his uncle so that all of the cousins can get tested to see if they have a mutated gene that causes the cancer.  I'm not sure how to feel about this... On the one hand it would be nice to know that Rick was in the clear, but on the other hand do I/we really want to know that he has this gene that basically means he will get/has a high likelihood of getting it?  Rick made a good point of saying that it doesn't matter either way he will still get early screenings and try to live the healthiest life style possible (within reason, no crazy cleanses for us).  So, I guess we'll just see what happens.

On a happier note, today is Rick's parent's 28th wedding anniversary, and our 9 month wedding anniversary. yay!

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