Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 310

Our new house has some serious landscaping.  It's actually one of the reasons we liked the house so much and bought it... it has a beautiful yard.  The problem is that yard requires A Lot of maintenance.

At our old apartment, Rick was in charge of mowing and I weeded the tiny little patio area.  It never took me more than 10 or 15 minutes.  Tonight Rick went out to mow, so I decided I should go pull some weeds because our flower beds were looking a little ragged.  It ended up taking both Rick and I a full hour to weed all the planters.  It was so humid, too, I was sweating like crazy.  And then of course one of our new neighbors came over to introduce herself and I looked terrible... oh well.  

Anyway, now our front yard looks great!

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