Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 296

I mastered the bus today!  This is very exciting, because I was really nervous about taking the bus to class. I've never had to take a bus anywhere before, so I was worried I would mess it up and miss class.  I looked up the schedule, which was very confusing, but thanks to google maps (and Rick) I got it figured out.  Then I read the "How to ride the bus" section of the website just to be sure I didn't mess it up.

I have to walk about 2 blocks to the bus stop and I left waaaay to early and ended up waiting for like 20 minutes at the bus stop.  Then we got out of class way early and I didn't know when the next bus came, so I decided to just hang out at the bus stop and one came really fast, so that was good.  Overall, I'd say it was a success.

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