Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 358

Our plans to hit up Ikea and a bike shop were thwarted yesterday when we found out the shuttle from the hotel to the wedding left at 3:45...for a 5pm wedding that was only 10 minutes away... wtf?  Our super early arrival did give Amber and I time to go on the tour of Colonel McCormick's mansion where the wedding was being held.  He apparently started the Chicago Tribune and WGN, which stands for World's Greatest Newspaper.  His house had some awesome metallic wallpaper, a secret bar and a serious gun and book collection.

The weather was almost as awesome as our wedding with some serious humidity.  After a 20 minute trek to the reception site we finally got the party started.  It didn't end for us until 3am.  I haven't seen 3am in years. I cannot believe we stayed up that late.

Needless to say, we came home and napped all afternoon.

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