Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 363

Tonight Carly and Chris came to stay with us on their way to a wedding.  We showed them around the house and spent the night downtown.  The highlight of the evening (for Rick) was a visit to the Brass Rail a real townie bar downtown that serves PBR and Schlitz. All in all a good night.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 362

I've been busy doing lots of projects lately.  Today was a sewing day.  I made pillows for our two chairs in the living room and also hemmed all of our curtains.  We only bought one panel for each of our small windows, so I split them in half and hemmed the edges so they still look like regular curtains instead of just hanging to one side.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 360

I saw this in an email last week and thought it was hilarious. I miss Groupon where I got legitimate deals.  It's so weird to me that there's no Groupon for Champaign.  Lame.
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 359

We got a bed skirt! Rick thinks this officially makes us grown ups.  I think we have a ways to go... like a headboard... or paint on the walls.  But it's a step in the right direction for sure.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 358

Our plans to hit up Ikea and a bike shop were thwarted yesterday when we found out the shuttle from the hotel to the wedding left at 3:45...for a 5pm wedding that was only 10 minutes away... wtf?  Our super early arrival did give Amber and I time to go on the tour of Colonel McCormick's mansion where the wedding was being held.  He apparently started the Chicago Tribune and WGN, which stands for World's Greatest Newspaper.  His house had some awesome metallic wallpaper, a secret bar and a serious gun and book collection.

The weather was almost as awesome as our wedding with some serious humidity.  After a 20 minute trek to the reception site we finally got the party started.  It didn't end for us until 3am.  I haven't seen 3am in years. I cannot believe we stayed up that late.

Needless to say, we came home and napped all afternoon.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 357

Our schedule is jam packed in August.  Last night we went to the Frasca company beer picnic.  Normally, Frasca has this band called the BratPack at all of their events but last night they had a DJ, who played some interesting mixes.  Later a band came on.  Rick was pretty sure they made up new lyrics to old songs because some of their songs sounded very familiar.

We headed home fairly early because today we are driving up to Chicago for a wedding.  Rick's friend Scott, who was his roommate when we first met, is getting married.  4 years ago I never would have guessed Scott would be getting married, and now here we are.  Weird.

Dave and Amber moved back to Champaign yesterday and are riding up with us to the wedding.  It's like nothing has changed.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 356

 Rick is in love with SkipJack.
 She likes him pretty well, too, as long as he's scratching her.
While Rick was gone today we bonded.  She's so cuddly.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 355


We brought her home last night and let her out in the back bedroom.  She explored the room and was playing with Rick right away.  We thought she might be scared and hide under the bed all night, but nope, she was ready to play.  So, we ended up letting her out into the rest of the house after dinner and she sniffed around for awhile and then plopped herself down on the couch right between us for the entire night.  She was in heaven on the comfy couch being petted all night.

The funniest moment of the night was when she was up on the fireplace and we turned the tv on and she was so interested in the tv she walked right off the edge of the fireplace.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 353

This giant moth landed outside our door sometime last night.  It's body is bigger than my thumb and it's wingspan is bigger than my hand.  I though about putting my hand next to it for scale in the picture, but I was too scared.  After a little research, though, I found out that this kind of moth has no mouth, so guess I really had nothing to be scared about.  It's called a polyphemus like the cyclops in Odysseus and it only lives for a week or so.  It doesn't have a mouth because it's sole duty as a moth is to reproduce. Very interesting.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 352

Tonight we went to the Humane Society again and picked a cat!  Rick is soooo excited.  Her name at the shelter is Elsa and she's a very pretty 5 month old tabby kitten.  We pick her up Wednesday.